Orkut is one of the most popular social networking websites and for a Orkut freak like me, it is very important that i can always stay in touch with my friends.
Although the official Orkut FAQ still specifies that it cannot be accessed from your mobile, it is in fact possible to access Orkut from your mobile. All is takes is a set of bookmarks by which you can join communities, accept friends, scrap users etc.
Orkut Login page problems:
If you cannot see the username and password fields when you open www.orkut.com on your mobile, you are probably using an old version of Opera Mini. Update Opera to the latest version and the login page should work properly just by using www.orkut.com (Read more about Opera Mini)
In case you are unable to update opera due to some reason, create a new bookmark in Opera Mini :
1) Go to Menu > Bookmarks and select Add.
2) Set the title as "Orkut" and the address as
This link doesn't go though any proxy and is though the Google login page :) The link is pretty big so instead of manually typing it out you can save it to a text file and send that to your mobile, then copy the link (don't know how? click here) and paste it in your Opera Mini bookmarks.
For all the following operations instead of clicking a link which simply reloads the page use the bookmarks specified to achieve the desired result.
Scrap other users: UPDATED : 8th September 2007
Create a new bookmark with the title as "Scrap @Orkut " and set the address as
Now every time you want to scrap someone, just type your message in your friends scrapbook message box (once you type your message the page will reload, this will not cause any problems) and then open this bookmark. Your scrap would then be posted.
Joining communities:
Add a bookmark with the title as "Join Community@ Orkut" and set the address as
(UPDATED: 17th June 2007)
Once you are presented with the option " Are you sure you want to join this community?" load the bookmark to join the community.
For Adding a user as a friend/Accept friend request:
Add a bookmark with the title as "Add Friend@orkut"and set the address as
(UPDATED: 17th June 2007)
Use this bookmark instead of pressing "Confirm" on the friend confirmation screen.
For Updating Profile data:
Add a bookmark with the title as "Update Profile@ Orkut" and set the address as
(UPDATED: 6th September 2007)
Use this bookmark instead of pressing the "update" button.
For Updating the Settings :
Add a bookmark with the title as "Update Settings @ Orkut" and set the address as
(UPDATED: 6th September 2007)
Use this bookmark instead of pressing the "update" button.
For Creating new Forum topics/ Replying to existing forum topics:
Add a bookmark with the title as "Forum topic reply@ Orkut" and set the address as
Use this bookmarklet instead of pressing the "submit" button. This bookmarklet is very similar to the previous one, except that Action.submit is used instead of Action.update.
Accepting/Rejecting new community member requests (if you are a community owner) :
Add the following two bookmarklets
To accept new member requests:
To decline new member requests:
These bookmarklets work on the first user in the accept/reject list. So if you have multiple pending requests, you have have to process them in the same sequence.
Hopefully things should change pretty soon . Lets hope that we have a better version of Opera Mini soon :)
(UPDATED: 8th September 2007)
Google seems to be very fond of changing its javascript functions quite often (every 15 days?), kindly drop a comment incase any of the above mentioned bookmarklets do not work anymore!
Surf Orkut on your Mobile!
Posted by
4:16 AM
Labels: gprs, internet, opera mini, orkut
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i am also using the same technique for past 4 months.
have you tried the latest opera mini version 3?
check it out and let me know the difference...
Hi Rupesh,
I have tried the same thing with Opera mini v3 beta. However JavaScript is still not entirely supported. It has support for RSS though :)
as i've commented earlier, i am able to log in to orkut. but can't scrap.
i tried the trick you mentioned but it is reloading the friend's scrapbook and not submitting the form.
can you check it out again and tell me what is wrong with me.
That is correct. As soon as you finish
typing the message and press ok, opera mini reloads the page.
Once the page has finished loading, you should then open the second bookmark (the one with the location set to
javascript:{document.forms[1].action = document.forms[1].action + "&Action.submit=";document.forms[1].submit();}
Then the scrap will be submitted.
it was my mistake...
due to spelling mistake 'S' instead of 's' in the word 'submit' coz in mobile after '.' it takes capital letter automatically.
well, thanks... its working properly. if the message contains a link, i've to repeat the process to submit..but each time i have to visit the friend's scrap book... is it possible to scrap by clicking 'reply' from our own scrap book...?
and also is sending messages is possible?
you can mail me directly!
Hi Rupesh,
It is actually possible to scrap other users using the "reply" from our own scrapbook.
For that we need to use the following bookmarklet
javascript:{ for (var i = 1; i<=10;i++) { if (document.getElementById("scrapText_" + i).value != "") { document.getElementById("b" + (i*3 +1)).onclick();break;} } }
This is a large bookmarklet so make sure that you copy it correctly, or use the method mentioned in the original post.
In the mean time i shall try to search for a shorter/easier bookmarklet.
For posting messages it is a lot easier, use the following bookmarklet :
a very good technique is to find on the page 'submit' or 'reply' using navigation menu in opera and then click on it.
for thanking me or further onfo,i m on orkut as 'jyoti sargotra'
Have a gud time
hi jyoti,
I guess you are talking about Opera Mobile rather than Opera Mini . Opera Mobile is not freeware, the procedure described here is for Opera Mini. Anyways thanks for the technique :)
I got a friend invite in orkut...But whenever I click 'accept'...The page just reloads...How do I accept someone as a friend?I'm using opera mini 3.0 by the way...
Clicking on the 'accept' button wouldn't help.
Create a new bookmark (this will help you accept new friends), set the title as "add friend@orkut" and the address as javascript:submitForm(document.getElementById('b1'),'yes');
Note: the above address is case sensitive, make sure you copy it properly.
Once you are on the "accept" friend screen, instead of clicking on the 'accept' button, go to "Bookmarks" and then open the "add friend@orkut" bookmark. The page will then reload and your friend would then be added to your friends list.
Thank you...I can now accept friends...One more thing...How do I update my settings?I mean...Clicking the update button just reloads the page...:-(...Same goes for editing my profile...Whats the code for updating the profile?
I have updated the post with "update profile" and "update settings". Enjoy!
Now logging in to orkut using Opera Mini is possible by entering www.orkut.com.
They might have changed the design of the login page after getting mails requesting to do so, from me too.
Google Talk for mobile
Hey do you know how to reply to the messages in the communities .
Thanx for the scrap technique , it is working.
Hi Manu,
To reply to messages in communities you can use the following bookmarklet
This is the same bookmarklet as used to scrap other users.
HI! I wana THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES! u dnt know how much u have helped me! with that trick now i can post scraps in orkut from my cell!
HI, am d same who wrote d last post.ur scrap trick is working fine.but am facing anoda heavy prb. IF writing scrap in the first attemp fails using your trick,due to network prb or page loading prb etc.,(n it happens often) then while writing scrap in 2nd attempt it asks for a WORD VERIFICATION, then d 'CONFIRM' button has to b clicked,but as usual,it doesnt wrk in opera mini,so HOW TO GET THE CONFIRM BUTTON CLICKED??PLS HELP
Glad i could be of some help :)
If you do get a word verification message then enter the word corresponding to the contents in the image and then use the following bookmarklet :
If you compare the bookmarklet mentioned above with the one used for sending messages , you'd see that it uses 'b1' instead of 'b2'.
HI, thank u for ur valuable info. cud u pls tel me how to post new forum topic or reply to forum topic in a community. both the things isnt working. I AV TRIED IT WIT UR SCRAP N MESG SENDING TRICKS, but those doesnt wrk in case of forum post. plz help
IT wud b grt help if u tel how to update profile. ur said trick for it isnt wrkn at all. i av tried many times as u had said wit this - javascript:submitForm(document.getElementById ('b1'),'update');
- but its not updating profile, same page reloading. so wat to do??
Hi Anir,
The messaging bookmarklet wouldnt work for creating new forum topics or to reply to existing forum topics.
Unfortunately the bookmarlets for these are far too long. (Just in case you plan to use them)
To post a reply in a forum topic :
javascript:{var x = window.location.href.indexOf('&',window.location.href.indexOf('&',0) + 1); window.location.href = (x==-1?window.location.href:window.location.href.substring(0,x)).replace('s.aspx', 'Post.aspx');}
and to create a new forum topic use
javascript:window.location.href=window.location.href.replace('Topics.aspx', 'MsgPost.aspx');
Use these bookmarklets ONLY when you are on pages which contain the corresponding links.
Hopefully it should work :)
Hi anonymous @12.47,
thanks for pointing out the problem. i cant seem to find an immediate solution right now. Will post updates soon.
HI, inspite of it being too long n tedious, i had copied xactly n tried ur given bukmarklet to create n post forum, but none of it is wrking! same page reloads
HI, i av tried many times to watch google videos with tinytube.net as told in ur gprs section ,with my s.ericsson k310i which supports both video n streaming, but it doesnt work at all. when i try to stream any file ,the same error comes 'MEDIA FILE NOT FOUND', n if i try to play it, dat too dosnt work, d processing icon gets cancelled by its own. wat mit b d prb??? help
The update profile link has finally been corrected :)
Similar changes have been carried out for posting messages in communities.
Dude the submit trick is not working anymore.. :( orkut has changed the submission tech to ''post scrap'' ! Your trick isn't working anymore..Pls help yaar! :(
Hi unplugged.
I used to scrap using your technique until yesterday mornin orkut made some modifications.Now i aint able to scrap.Please help me friend.
I guess the changes have been reverted back. The original method to scrap users seems to be working again.
HI, now ur link of updating profile n posting or creating forum is working perfectly fine!!! n it was even more helpful as u put d link in a txt box, so we did not have to write it down which wud hv bn vry tedious. we just copied n pasted instead. thn y didnt u put those earlier links n txt boxes?? THANK u very very much. we all sud remain grateful to u.
Hi unplugged for one week i was usin that method to post scrap but since yesterday i am not able to post it can u help me i am usin opera 3.1
hey pls help me the trick aint w0rking c0z 0rkut ppl have changed d system fr0m submit t0 p0st scraps pls tel me wht 2 d0 pls
AM ANIR. PLS HELP. ur trik of scrapin is not wrkin anymore as they hv changed from submit to post scrap. i av tried wit ur forum post trik to send scrap, bt it dnt wrk. HELP
Hi all,
The bookmarket for posting scraps has now been updated due to changes carried out by orkut. Things should be back to normal again :)
HI, AM ANIR. THANKS. the new scrap trick is working fine.
Hi @unplugged.. The hack for Adding friends is not workin anymore.. Can u pls check n update it too..Thanks for that updated scrap technique.. :)
Hi, you have a technique which shows how to reply in one's own scrapbook. Considering the changes orkut has made, does that bookmark also have to be changed. The one that is there in one of the comments now is not working
You rock :) absolute genius.. Thanks for updating all the bookmarks.. Everything is working perfect.. By the way tried opera mini 4 beta version.. Its quite good..Except the fact that orkut is again not accessible..But in a different way this time..The ''post scrap'' can't be selected or highlighted..Wish opera can work on it..Otherwise its quite good..Amazingly fast :)
HI ur updated trick to write scrap was working fine but NOT WORKING ANYMORE! PLS HELP
m using sonyericsson w810i and i cannot reply a scrap... with the above javascript, help me please
Hi Bhavin,
The scrap bookmarklet seems to be working, the scripts were updated recently, can you confirm that you are using the latest updated bookmarklets?
Hi unplugged!!!!!! Well e'rything works damn well n I must congratulate n thank u very much. But would u plz tell me bookmark to add photo on orkut via my cell. Its N70, so plz tell how to upload photo in it, it shows add photo caption n then also takes photo but doesn't add it to profile so plz tell me soon!!!!!!
hi sir i'm not able to scrap someone by using all ur tricks.i've checked every thing many times but none trick is working,its reloads the same page again without submitting the scrap.....
hi unplugged!! i'm tryin' to scrap but ur bookmark aint wurkin..they might've changed the variables again..plz chk..
Hey....Ða $cripts[sending & replying sçrap] r not workîng from yesterðay.....So plz..,i would be really thankful if any1 wil post da new script$ før sèñding & rep£ying sçraps.........ThanX iñ advàncê...,. If possible....Plz post da sçripts to mysoftwareszone@gmail.com
Hi, I have tested the send scrap link and it seems to be working fine, could you please confirm that all the characters have been properly copied?
how can i accept the members in my community. please post that script too
HI AM ANIR. ur scrap trick is not working again!! pls help out immediately.
HI am pallavi. the scrap trick updated by you on 26th aug isn working at all! so we cant write a single scrap! plzzz pls fix it asap
Hi, scripts have been updated. Things should be working again :)
the scrap script is not working... when I write something and then exit the editor, the page reloads and the text that I've written dessapears.. If I stop the reload and use the script Orkut says that the page isn't found... Something is wrong..
HI am anir. same thing, ur upated scrap trick on 6th sep not working man! its showing "page not found" error! plz fix it dude. u r genius. we knw u can
Hi, you are right, there is a problem. I had tried it on my own scrapbook and thats the reason it had worked.
I have updated the script again :
javascript:{document.forms[5].action = document.location + "&Action.submit=1"; document.forms[5].submit();}
The difference between this script and the one shown previously is that the form number has been changed to 5 from 1 and ?Action.submit has been replaced by &Action.submit.
On submitting the scrap you will be taken to a new page with only the string "ok".
You will have to go back to the previous page and then reload the scrapbook if you want to confirm that your scrap has been posted :(
Google has made its scripts a bit more cryptic :( i'll try and make the bookmarklets more simpler. Until then, this should work :)
HI, am anir. many many thanks to u! now ur trick is wrkin perfectly rit. thank u vry much. ITS ONLY BCOS OF U that we can scrap fm cell.
had u not shwn d tricks , it wud hv neva been posible. u r a genius. wud u tel dat how do u manage to get new tricks each time with changes made by orkut??? really ,appreciated
HI dis s anir again. cud u pls tel d latest trick updating profile settings in orkut? ur trick you updated on17th june is not wrking anymore!
Done, updated bookmarklet for updating profile :) . And to answer your question, how do i do it? I have to check the orkut html/javascript code and write the equivalent script which works in opera mini.
HI, am anir. am sory to say, but ur update profile trick is not working. the same edit page is reloading instead of updating. cant upload new foto also. so plz fix it. regards
Hi Anir,
You are right, there seems to be some problem with the update profile bookmarklet. And btw, i dont think it would be possible to upload a new photo.
HI, am anir. but i rem i successfully uploaded foto wit my camera-fone earlier wit ur updated profile trick which was workin then. so y not now??. . .ok if we cant upload foto, can we at least update d txt in profile?? plz reply. if possible then post a new scrit which works.
Anoda thing is how can we send private mesg. to anyone in orkut now?? as wit d new changes that send mesg option is no longer visible!! so wats d remedy for it?
HI u r always genius. an odd problem have emerged with opera mini while using orkut. the scrapbook page is not reloading fully n not a single scrap can b seen. only half page is reloading every time. this is hapening only with scrapbook page. i have tried many times. plz plz help out
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